Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Seed, arial
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Seeds with red aril are dried, roasted and prepared as a coffee for indigestion
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Terpene alcohol: E -geranylgeraniol, terpene derivatives: farnesylacetone, geranylgeranyl octadecanoate, geranylgeranyl formate, apocarotenoids: lycopene derivatives and δ-tocotrienol from seeds
Bioactivity :
Aqueous extract of roots: antisecretory, antispasmodic, hypotensive, depressant effect; methanol extract of seeds: hepatoprotective; extracts of leaves: antimicrobial, radical scavenger; aqueous extract of plant: antihistamine activity; aqueous and alcohol extracts of seeds: hypolipidaemic, antimalerial
Note :
Aril is used as a natural colouring agent in food industry
References : Ahsan, R. et al., (2009), Hepatoprotective Activity of Methanol Extract of Some Medicinal Plants Against Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepato- toxicity in Albino Rats, Global Journal of Pharmacology, 3(3), 116-122. Dunham, N. W. and Allard, K. R., (2006), A preliminary pharmacologic investigation of the roots of Bixa orellana, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Asso ciation, 49, 218-219. Fernández, C. V. A. et al ., (2011), Antimalarial activity of hydroalco- holic extract from Bixa orellana L, Rev Cubana Med Trop, 63(2), 181-5. Ferreira, J. M. et al ., (2013), Effects of Bixa orellana L. seeds on hyperlipidemia, Phytother Res, 27(1), 144-7. Irobi, O. N. et al., (1996), Antimicrobial Activity of Annato (Bixa orellana) Extract, Pharmaceutical Biology, 34(2), 87-90. Jondiko, I. J. O. and Pattenden, G., (1989), Terpenoids and an apocarot- enoid from seeds of Bixa orellana, Phytochemistry, 28(11), 3159-3162. Mercadante, A. Z. et al., (1997), Isolation and Identification of New Apocarotenoids from Annatto (Bixa orellana) Seeds, Journal of agricul- tural and Food Chemistry, 45(4), 1050-1054. Shilpi, J. A. et al., (2006), Preliminary pharmacological screening of Bixa orellana L. leaves, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108(2), 264-271. Yong, Y. K. et al., (2013), Chemical constituents and antihistamine activity of Bixa orellana leaf extract, BMC Complement Altern Med, 13(32).
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