Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Paste of powdered seeds in vinegar is carefully applied on the sides of the forehead as a relief for severe headaches
- Seed oil is used for rheumatic fever
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Sulphur-containing phytoalexin: cyclobrassinin sulphoxide from elicited leaves; phenylpropene: sinapic acid from plant; glucosinolate: sinigrin from imbibed seeds and developing seedlings; allyl isothiocyancle, diallyltrisulfide, diallylsulfide, 3-butenyl isothiocyanate from seed essential oil
Bioactivity :
Extracts of plant: hypoglycaemic; sinapic acid: peroxynitrile scavenger; pickled and dried seeds: antioxidative; aqueous extract of leaves: wound healing
Note :
Seeds are used as a condiment
References : Devys, M. et al., (1990), Cyclobrassinin sulphoxide, a sulphur-containing phytoalexin from Brassica juncea, Phytochemistry, 29(4), 1087-1088 Kelly, P. J. et al., (1998), Sub-cellular immunolocalization of the glucosinolate sinigrin in seedlings of Brassica juncea, Planta, 206(3), 370-377. Khan, B. A. et al., (1995), Hypoglycemic action of Murraya koenigii (curry leaf) and Brassica juncea (mustard): mechanism of action, Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 32(2), 106-8. Khan, B. A. et al., (1997), Anti-oxidant effects of curry leaf, Murraya koenigii and mustard seeds, Brassica juncea in rats fed with high fat diet, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 35(2), 148-50. Li, C. et al., (2012), Antioxidant efficacy of extracts produced from pickled and dried mustard in rapeseed and peanut oils, J Food Sci, 77(4), 394-400. Lin, L. Z. et al., (2011), UHPLC-PDA-ESI/HRMS/MS n Alalysis of anthocyanins, flavonol, glycosides and hydroxy cinnamoc acid deriva- tives in red mustard greens (Brassica junces Coss Variety), J Agric food chem, 59(22), 12059-12072. Malan, R. et al., (2011), Comparision of different extracts leaf of Brassica juncea Linn on wound healing activity, European journal of experimental biology, 1(2), 33-40. Yu, J. C. et al., (2002), Chemical composition of the essential oils of Brassica juncea (L.) Coss. Grown in different regions of china, Journal of food and drug analysis, 11(1), 22-26. Zou, Y. et al., (2002), Peroxynitrite Scavenging Activity of Sinapic Acid (3,5-Dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic Acid) Isolated from Brassica juncea, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(21), 5884-5890.
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