Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Root, bark and leaf
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Root decoction mixed with 2 cups of boiled cow’s milk is taken with pure kithul juggery to increase the milk secretion in mothers
- Used to remove foetid discharges and worms caused due to ulcers
- Given for fever and thirst
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Iridoid glyosides: gmelinosides A–L, isoxazole alkaloid: premnazole from leaves; apiose containing coumarin glycoside: apiosylskimmin from roots; lignans: gummadiol, isoarboreol derivatives, hydroxysesamin derivatives, arborne, dihydrogmelinol derivatives, arboreol, gmelanone from heartwood; flavonoids: apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and hentriacontanol, β-sitosterol from plant
Bioactivity :
Alcohol, hexane, aqueous extracts of leaves: anthelmintic, antioxidative, vasovelaxant; bark and fruit extracts: alleviate oxidative stress induced liver damage; premnazole: anti-inflammatory; methanol extract of the plant: immunostimulant
Note :
An ingredient of ayurvedc preparation known as “Dashamularishta”
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