Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf and seed
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Poultice prepared from leaves crushed in lime juice is applied on skin diseases to control ringworm and eczema
- Herbal tea prepared by fried seeds is used to control parasitic nematodes
- A remedy for snake bite
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Flavonoids: kaempferol, chrysoriol, rhamnetin and their glycosides from seeds; phenolic compounds, anthraquinones: rhein, emodin, chrysophanol, physcion from root
Bioactivity :
Methanol extract of leaves: antimicrobial, hypoglycaemic
Leaves are effective in the treatment of constipation, has been tested as an antiseptic soap; Leaf extract can be used as a herbal medicine to treat Pityriasis versicolor
References : Alam, M. T. et al., (2009), Antibacterial Activity of Different Organic Extracts of Achyranthes aspera and Cassia alata, Journal of Scientific Research, 1(2), 393-398. Damodaran, S. and Venkataraman, S. A., (1994), Study on the therapeutic efficacy of Cassia alata, Linn. leaf extract against Pityriasis versicolor, J Ethnopharmacol, 42(1), 19-23. Dave, H. and Ledwani, L., (2012), A review on anthroquinones isolated from Cassia species and their applications, Indian journal of natural products and resources, 3(3), 291-319. Esimone, C. O. et al., (2008), Evaluation of the antiseptic properties of Cassia alata-based herbal soap, The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine, 6(1). Gupta, D. and Singh, J., (1991), Flavonoid glycosides from Cassia alata, Phytochemistry, 30(8), 2761-2763. Hennebelle, T. et al., (2009), Senna alata, Fitoterapia, 80(7), 385-93. Idu, M. et al., (2007), Preliminary investigation on the phytochemistry and antimicrobial activity of Senna alata L. Flower, Pak J Biol Sci, 10(5), 806-9. Palanichamy, S. et al., (1988), Effect of Cassia alata leaf extract on hyperglycemic rats, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 22(1), 81-90. Thamlikitkul, V. et al., (1990), Randomized controlled trial of Cassia alata Linn. for constipation, Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 73(4), 217-22.
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