Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Bark and fruit
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Bark is astringent and used with various species of Terminalia as a remedy for diarrhoea
- Fruits are dipped in water over night and the liquid is drunk for diabetes
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
A polysaccharide consists of galactose, arabinose, mannose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid and its 4-O-methyl derivative from gum
Bioactivity :
Ethanol extract of green-matured fruits: α-glucosidase inhibitor; methanol extract of leaves, stem and root bark: antibacterial, antifungal
Note :
Fruits are edible
References : Hossain, S. J. et al., (2008), Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidative, Anti-amylase, Anti-glucosidase, and Antihistamine Release Activities of Bangladeshi Fruits, Food Science and Technology Research, 14(3), 261-268. Khan, M. R. and Omoloso, A. D., (2002), Anti-bacterial and antifungal activities of Dracontomelon dao, Fitoterapia, 73(4), 327–330. Martinez, M. et al., (2003), Structural features of an arabinogalactan gum exudates from Spondias dulsis (Anacardiaceae), Carbohydrate research, 338(7), 619-624.
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