Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Moon


Common Names:
Muruwa, Muruwa-dul (S)
Maral (T)
Tjowapi (Sa)


Threatened Species

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Leaves are steamed and applied on swellings and painful joints
  • A table spoon of leaf decoction is taken orally thrice a day for pains in the stomach

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Steroidal glycosides: tenacissoside A–E and L–M, polyoxypregnane glycosides: marsdenosides A–H and dresgenin from stems; polyhydroxy pregnanes: cissogenin and tenasogenin from seeds

Bioactivity :

Crude plant extract: moderate antimutagenic; chloroform extract of plant: used to overcome the gefitinib resistance of non-small cell lung cancer


Preparation of the plant considered as a useful antitumour herbal medicine

References :

Deng, J. et al., (2005), Marsdenosides A–H, polyoxypregnane glycosides from Marsdenia tenacissima, Phytochemistry, 66(9), 1040–1051.

Han, S. Y., (2012), Marsdenia tenacissima extract restored gefitinib sensitivity I resistsnt non-small cell lung cancer cells, Lung Cancer, 75(1), 30-37.

Lee, H. and Lin, J. Y., (1988), Antimutagenic activity of extracts from anticancer drugs in Chinese medicine, Mutation Research/ Genetic Toxicology, 204(2), 229-234.

Miyakawa, S. et al., (1986), Five glycosides from the chinese drug ‘tong-guang-san’: The stems of marsdenia tenacissima, Phytochemistry, 25(12), 2861–2865.

Singhal, S. et al., (1980), Cissogenin, a pregnane genin from Marsdenia tenacissima, Phytochemistry, 19(11), 2427–2430.

Singhal, S. et al., (1980), Tenasogenin, a pregnane ester from Marsdenia tenacissim, Phytochemistry, 19(11), 2431–2433.

Xiang, Q. S., (1996), Further polyoxypregnanes from Marsdenia tenacissima, Phytochemistry, 41(5), 1385-1388.

Wang, S., (2006), Two New C21 Steroidal Glycosides from Marsdenia tenacissima (ROXB.) Wight et Arn, Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin, 54(5), 696.

Zhiliang, W. et al., (1995), Clinical Studies of Chinese Herb Marsdenia Tenacissia in the Treatment of Advanced Esophageal and Gastric Cancer (A Report of 112 Cases), Henan Journal of Oncology, Zhengzhou 450052.

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