Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Stem and aerial part
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Fresh stem prepared as a poultice with other ingredients is used to treat fractures
- Fresh stem ground with ghee is given for neurasthenia
- Tonic prepared from aerial parts is used for general debility
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Pregnane glycosides: sarcovimiside A–C, triterpenes: β-amyrin and friedelin from benzene extract of plant
Bioactivity :
References : Vleggaar, R. et al., (1993), Toxic constituents of the asclepiadaceae. Structure elucidation of sarcovimiside A-C, pregnane glycosides of Sarcostemma viminale, Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions, 1(4), 483-487. Torrance, J. D. and Maráis, J. L. C., (2006), Triterpene constituents of Sarcostemma viminale R. Br., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 52(5), 439–441.
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