Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Root, leaf and young shoot
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Fresh juice of young shoots and leaves is used to stop bleeding by contracting the tissues and blood vessels
- Roots ground with lime juice is applied on insect bites and mild poisonous snakes bites
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Eudesmane type sesquiterpenes: eudesmol derivatives, ilicic acid derivatives, β-selinene, isointermedeol, juniper camphor and β-dihydroagarofurans from essential oil of plant; chlorogenic acids: caffeoylquinic acids from plant
Bioactivity :
Plant extract: effective in recovery from immunemediated hepatocyte injury; phenolics: anti-inflammatory; caffeoylquinic acids: hepatoprotective, anti-hepatitis B
References : Hao, B. J. et al., (2012), Hepatoprotective and antiviral properties of isochlorogenic acid A from Laggera alata against hepatitis B virus infection, J Ethnopharmacolm, 144(1), 190-4. Raharivelomanana, P. et al., (1998), Eudesmane sesquiterpenes from Laggera alata, Phytochemistry, 47(6), 1085-1088. Wu, Y. et al., (2006), Effect of total phenols from Laggera alata on acute and chronic inflammation models, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108(2), 243-250. Wu, Y. H. et al., (2009), Effect of Laggera alata on hepatocyte damage induced by carbon tetrachloride in vitro and in vivo, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 126(1), 50-56. Wu, Y. H. et al., (2011), Regulatory effect of Laggera alata extract on immune mediated liver injury, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(12), 2494-2498. Zheng, Q. X. et al., (2003), Eudesmane derivatives and other sesquiter- penes from Laggera alata, J Nat Prod, 66(8), 1078-81.
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