Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Whole plant and leaf
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Poultice prepared from the whole plant is applied for bald patches on the head (Undugowwa)
- Medicated oil prepared with the fresh leaf juice and king coconut oil, is applied on skin diseases for improved complexion and for hair growth
- Used to treat hair fall, epilepsy, nervine disorders, headaches, and stray dog bites
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Indole derived compounds: indicant, indigotine, indirubin, galactomannan and alkaloids, rotenoids, flavanoids from whole plant; furano flavones and a flavonoid glycosides from aerial parts
Bioactivity :
Plant extract and indigotine: hepatoprotective; indirubin: anticancer; ethanol extract of leaves: analgaesic; furano flavones: antidyslipidaemic; flavonoid fraction from methanol extract of aerial parts: antiproliferative
References : Babu, B. B. et al., (2010), A review on traditional system of medicine for treat epilepsy, International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research, 1(1), 1-6. Hoessel, R. et al., (1999), Indirubin, the active constituents of a chinese antileukaemia medicine, inhibits cyclin-dependant kinases, Nature cell biology, 1, 60-67. Kameswaran, T. R. and Ramanibai, R., (2008), The antiproliferative activity of flavanoidal fraction of Indigofera tinctoria is through cell cycle arrest and apoptotic pathway in A-549 cells, Journal of Biological Sciences, 1, 1-7. Kumar, A. S. et al., (2009), Evaluation of the antinociceptive properties from Indigofera tinctoria leaves extracts, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 1(2), 31-37. Puri, A. et al., (2007), Antidyslipidemic activity of Indigofera tinctoria, J Herb Pharmacother, 7(1), 59-64. Singh, B. et al., (2001), Hepatoprotective activity of indigtone–a bioactive fraction from Indigofera tinctoria Linn, Phytother Res, 15(4), 294-7. Sreepriya, M. et al., (2001), Protective effects of Indigofera tinctoria L. against D-Galactosamine and carbon tetrachloride challenge on ‘in situ’ perfused rat liver, Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 45(4), 428-34. Tadigoppula, N. et al., (2006), Antidyslipidemic activity off urano- flavonoids isolated from Indigofera tinctoria, Bio organic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 16(13), 3411-3414. Verma, S. M. and Suresh, K. B., (2001), Phytochemical investivations of indigofera tinctoria linn leaves, Anc Sci Life, 21(4), 235-9.
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