Anisomeles indica (L.) Kuntze


Common Names:
Yakwanassa (S)
Peraamatti (T)
Catmint (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Aerial part, leaf and medicated oil

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Infusion of aerial parts are taken for intestinal and stomach complications
  • One tea spoon of leaf juice is taken for cough and cold
  • Leaf juice is given for children in colic dyspepsia and for fever due to teething
  • Oil is used in uterine affections
  • Used to treat rheumatism and kidney stones

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Diterpene: ovatodiolide from leaves; benzenoids, phenyl propanoids, flavonoids: pedalitin and scutellarein derivatives, ovatodiolide derivative from whole plant

Bioactivity :

Water extracts of leaves and stem from pre-flowering plants: analgaesic, antihyperalgesic, antihistamine, membrane stabilizing, COX inhibitor and free radical scavenger; ovatodiolide, pedalitin and phenyl propanoid: anti-HIV activity, antiplatelet aggregation, effective for improving renal cell carcinoma therapy, anti-inflammatory, anticancer


References :

Alam, M. S. et al., (2000), HIV-inhibitory diterpenoid from Anisomeles indica, Fitoterapia, 71(5), 574-576.

Anjaneyulu, A. S. R. et al., (1977), Novel hydroxy lignans from the heartwood of Gmelina arborea, Tetrahedron, 33(1), 133-143.

Chen, Y. L. et al., (2008), Bioactive Cembrane Diterpenoids of Anisomeles indica, Journal of Natural Products, 71(7), 1207-1212.

Ho, J. Y. et al., (2013), Ovatodiolide Targets β-Catenin Signaling in Suppressing Tumorigenesis and Overcoming Drug Resistance in Renal Cell Carcinoma, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.

Hsieh, S. C. et al., (2008), Inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediators and tumor cell proliferation by Anisomeles indica extracts, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 118, 65-70.

Rao, Y. K. et al., (2009), The constituents of Anisomeles indica and their anti-inflammatory activities, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 121, 292-296.

Rao, Y. K. et al., (2013), Ovatodiolide inhibits the maturation of allergen-induced bone marrow-derived dendritic cells and induction of Th2 cell differentiation, Int Immunopharmacol.

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