Paederia foetida L.


Common Names:
Apasu-madu (S)
Muthiar koonthal (T)
Prasarani (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Whole plant and leaf

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Leaves with garlic is prepared as a vegetable for rheumatic fever
  • Paste prepared by grinding whole plant is applied on painful swellings
  • Act as a diuretic for inflammation of the urethra
  • Used to treat flatulence, rheumatism, vesicle calculi and retention of urine

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Iridiod glycosides: paederolone, paederone, paederine and paederenine from plant


Bioactivity :

Methanol extract of leaves: anti-inflammatory; alcoholic extract of plant: antioxidative, antidiarrhoeal, antinociceptive



References :

Afroz, S. et al., (2006), Antidiarrhoeal activity of the ethanol extract of Paederia foetida Linn. (Rubiaceae), Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 105, 125–130.

De, S. et al., (1994), Investigation of the anti-inflammatory effects of Paederia foetida, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 43, 31-38.

Hossain, M. M. et al., (2006), Antinociceptive Activity of Whole Plant Extracts of Paederia foetida, Dhaka University Journal of Pharmacology, 5(1-2), 67-69.

Osman, H. et al., (2009), Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content of Paederia foetida and Syzygium aqueum, Molecules, 14, 970-978.

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