Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle


Common Names:
Dehi (S)
Ambu, Elumichchai (T)
True Lime (E)
Amlajambir (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • One table spoon of lime juice in fresh ginger juice is given twice a day for stomach disorders
  • Acts as a vermifuge and an antiseptic
  • Used to check bilious vomiting, cleaning wounds and to treat dysentery, headache, cough and chronic sores

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Terpenes: liomonene, telinene,  myrcene, sabinene and pinene from essential oil of leaves and limonin, limonexic acid, isolimonexic acid and limonin glucoside from seeds; coumarins: psoralen derivatives, flavonoids: apigenin, quercetin, kaempferol and nobiletin from fruit peel and leaves

Bioactivity :

Fruit juice: antibacterial; limonin, limonexic acid and its derivatives, limonin glucoside: inhibit proliferation of pancreatic cancer cells; hexane extracts of fruit peel: antimycobacterium; methanol extract of leaves and fruit peel: antioxidative


Note :

Fruit is used to prepare foods

References :

Abyaneh, M. R. et al., (2009), Chemical composition and antiaflatoxi- genic activity of Carum carvi L.,Thymus vulgaris and Citrus aurantifolia essential oils, Food Control, 20, 1018-1024.

Ariasa, B. A. and Laca, L. R., (2005), Pharmacological properties of citrus and their ancient and medieval uses in the Mediterranean region, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 97, 89-95.

Loizzo, M. R. et al., (2012), Evaluation of Citrus aurantifolia peel and leaves extracts for their chemical composition, antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase activities, J Sci Food Agric, 92(15), 2960-7.

Onyeagba, R. A. et al., (2004), Studies on the antimicrobial effects of garlic (Allium sativum Linn), ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia Linn), African Journal of Biotechnology, 3(10), 552-554.

Patil, J. R. et al., (2010), Characterization of Citrus aurantifolia bioactive compounds and their inhibition of human pancreatic cancer cells through apoptosis, Microchemical Journal, 94, 108-117.

Sandoval-Montemayor, N. E. et al., (2012) Chemical composition of hexane extract of Citrus aurantifolia and anti-Mycobacterium tuberculo- sis activity of some of its constituents, Molecules, 17(9), 11173-84.

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