Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf and flower
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Herbal tea prepared with dried flowers is given as a tonic
- Leaf juice is given with bee honey to children with fever
- Acts as an emmenagogue
- Applied to improve complexion
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Chromene type compounds: evodione and leptonol from leaf oil and leaf extracts; phenylethanones, quinoline alkaloids: bergapten, buchapine, roxiamines A–C and terpene: lupeol from root bark; geranylated coumaric acid from leaves
Bioactivity :
Leptonol and evodione: antipyretic, analgaesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative; plant extract: anti-quorum sensing
References : Johnson, A. J. et al., (2010), Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of two major chromenes from Melicopelunu- ankenda, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 130(2), 267–271. Kumar, V. et al., (1990), Two fungicidal phenylethanones from Euodia lunu-ankenda root bark, Phytochemstry, 29(1), 243-245. McCormick, J. L. et al., (1996), HIV inhibitory natural products. 26. Quinoline alkaloids from Euodia roxburghiana, J Nat Prod, 59(5), 469-71. Ramli, I. et al., (2004), p-O-Geranylcoumaric Acid from Melicope lunu-Ankenda, Natural Product Research, 18(4), 289-294. Tan, L. Y. et al., (2012), Silencing quorum sensing through extracts of Melicope lunu-ankenda, Sensors (Basel), 12(4), 4339-51.
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