Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf and root
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Root powder is taken with ghee and a drop of bee honey after dinner to improve sexual ability
- Infusion of the leaves is taken for gastritis
- Root acts as an aphrodisiac, emmenagogue and a tonic
- Used to treat diarrhoea and leucorrhoea
- Leaf acts as an emmenagogue and is also used on swellings
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Protoberberine type alkaloids: javaberines A and B from roots; long chain hydrocarbons: hentriacontane, dotriacontane, tritriacontane, heneicosanoic acid, sterols: β-sitosterol, stigmasterol from plant
Bioactivity :
Methanol extract of roots and javaberines A: inhibitory activities on the lipopolysaccharide induced tumor necrosis and nitric oxide production; hexane and acethyl acetate extracts of plant: antiedematogenic, antinociceptive
Note :
Leaves are used as a vegetable
References : Ramos, M. P. O. et al., (2010), Antinociceptive and edematogenic activity and chemical constituents of Talinum paniculatum Willd, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2(6), 265-274. Shimoda, H. et al.,(2001), Javaberine A new TNF-ALPHA and Nitric Oxide Production Inhibitor, from the Roots of Talinum paniculatum., Heterocycles, 55(11), 2043-2050.
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