Leea indica (Burm.f.) Merr.



Leea sambucina (L) Willd.

Common Names:
Gurulla (S)
Nalava, Ottunnalam (T)
Bandicoot berry (E)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Leaf, root, fruit and stem

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Crushed leaves are applied on skin patches due to fungal infections
  • Ripe fruit juice is applied on the skin warts
  • Used to treat ringworm and with gingerly oil for wounds and ulcers
  • Roots are used to treat colic and for relieve thirst
  • Stem is used as a diuretic, diluent in cystitis and strangury

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Alcohols: eicosanol, solanesol, terpenes: farnesol, gallic acid, lupeol, ursolic acid and β-sitosterol from leaves; α-tocopherol, β-amyrin from plant; sulphur compound: monobutyl carbonotrithioate from essential oil of flowers


Bioactivity :

Alcohol extracts of whole plant: anticancer, antioxidative, sedative, nitric oxide production inhibitor; ethanol extract of leaves: active in selective inhibition of HSV-1; essential oil of flower: moderately antibacterial and antifungal



References :

Ali, A. M. et al., (1996), Antiviral and Cytotoxic Activities of Some Plants Used in Malaysian Indigenous Medicine, Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 19(2-3), 129-136.

Hsiung, W. Y. and Kadir, H. A., (2011), Leea indica Ethyl Acetate Fraction Induces Growth-Inhibitory Effect in Various Cancer Cell Lines and Apoptosis in Ca Ski Human Cervical Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-13.

Raihan, M. O. et al, (2011), Sedative and anxiolytic effects of the methanolic extract of Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Leaf, Drug Discov Ther, 5(4), 185-9.

Saha, K. et al., (2004), Evaluation of antioxidant and nitric oxide inhibitory activities of selected Malaysian medicinal plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 92, 263-267

Saha, K. et al., (2005), Chemical Constituents of Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. (Leeaceae), Malaysian Journal of Science, 24, 1.

Srinivasan, G. V. et al., (2009), Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Flowers, Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 8, 488-493.

Varadarajan, G. et al., (2008), Identification of chemical compounds from the leaves of Leea indica, Acta pharmaceutica, 58, 207-214.

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