Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Aerial parts
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Aerial parts ground with other ingredients are used to treat fractures and dislocations
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Type 2 ribosome inactivating proteins: pulchellin and toxic lectins from seeds
Bioactivity :
References : Owens, J. and Koester, C., (2008), Quantitation of Abrine, an Indole Alkaloid Marker of the Toxic Glycoproteins Abrin, by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry When Spiked into Various Beverages, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56, 11139- 11143. Ramos, M. V. et al., (1998), Isolation and partial characterisation of highly toxic lectins from Abrus pulchellus seeds, Toxicon, 36(3), 477-84. Silva, A. L. et al., (2005), Pulchellin, a highly toxic type 2 ribosome- inactivating protein from Abrus pulchellus. Cloning heterologous expression of A-chain and structural studies, FEBS J, 272(5), 1201-10
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