Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf, nut root and stem
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Nut acts as a stimulant, astringent for sweat secretion and vermifuge
- Young shoots are abortifacient
- Bark juice is used for choleric ailments, flatulence and dropsical conditions
- Young leaf juice is used for bronchitis
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Alkaloids: arecaidine, arecoline, amino acids: methionine, phenylalanine, proline, arginine, tryptophan and tyrosine, flavonoids: catechine and gallic acid from nuts and roots
Bioactivity :
Extracts of nuts: antidepressant, stimulates collagen synthesis and inhibitory activity against pancreatic cholesterol esterase; purified phenolic substances: antiageing (inhibition of hyaluronidase activity); ethanol extract of plant: anti-inflammatory and antimelanogenesis; nut procynidins: antihyperglycaemic
Note :
Slices of the nut are chewed with bettle leaves
References : Arjungi, V.K.N., (1976), Areca nut, Drug Res, 26, 951-956. Canniff, J. P and Harvey, W., (1981), The aetiology of oral submucous fibrosis: the stimulation of collagen synthesis by extracts of areca nut, International Journal of Oral Surgery, 10(1), 163-7. Dar, A. and Khatoon, S., (1997), Antidepressant Effects of Ethanol Extract of Areca catechu in Rodents, Phytotherapy Research, 11(2), 174-176. Dar, A. and Khatoon, S., (2000), Behavioral and Biochemical Studies of Dichloromethane Fraction From the Areca catechu Nut, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 65(1), 1-6. Huang, P. L. et al., (2013), Areca nut procyanidins ameliorate streptozocin-induced hyperglycemia by regulating gluconeogenesis, Food Chem Toxicol, 55, 137-43. Jeon, S. M. et al., (2000), Lower Absorption of Cholesteryl Oleate in Rats Supplemented with Areca catechu L. Extract, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 44(4), 170-176. Lalithakumari, H. and Sirsi, M., (1963), Amino acids in Areca catechu Linn (N.OPalmae), Curr. Sci, 32, 548. Lee, K. K. et al., (2001), Anti elastase and anti hyaluronidase of phenolic substance from Areca catechu as a new anti ageing agent, International journal of Cosmetic Science, 23(6), 341-346. Lee, K. K., (1999), The Effects of Areca catechu L Extract on Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Melanogenesis, International journal of cosmetic science, 21(4), 275-284. Wang, C. K. et al., (1997), Contents of Phenolics and Alkaloids in Areca catechu Linn. during Maturation, Journal of Agricultural and food Chemistry, 45(4), 1185-1188.
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