Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf, stem and seed
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Fried seeds with ghee improves male’s sexual ability
- Acts as a blood purifier and given for gastritis and nausea
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Cyclic peptides: celogenamricle A, celogentin K and acidic polysaccharide: celosian, triterpenoid saponins: celosins E-G, celosins I and II, cristatain from seeds and phenolic glycosides from plant
Bioactivity :
Celosian: immunostimulating and antihepatotoxic; alcohol extract of seeds: antidiabetic; celosins E-G and cristatin: anti-inflammatory
Note :
Leaves are used as a vegetable
References : Hase, K. et al., (1997), Immunostimulating Activity of Celosian, an Antihepatotoxic Polysaccharide Isolated from Celosia argentea, Planta Med, 63(3), 216-219. Morita, H. et al., (2004), Celogenamide A, a new cyclic peptide from the seeds of Celosia argentea, J Nat Prod, 67(9),1628-30. Priya, K. S. et al., (2004), Celosia argentea Linn. leaf extract improves wound healing in a rat burn wound model, Wound Repair Regen, 12(6), 618-25. Vetrichelvan, T. et al., (2002), Anti-diabetic Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Celosia argentea Linn. Seeds in Rats, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 25(4), 1-5. Shen, S. et al., (2010), A new phenolic glycoside and cytotoxic constitu- ents from Celosia argentea, J Asian Nat Prod Res, 12(9), 821-7. Suzuki, H. et al., (2004), Celogentin K, a new cyclic peptide from the seeds of Celosia argentea and X-ray structure of moroidin, Tetrahedron, 60(11), 2489-2495. Wu, Q. et al., (2011), Triterpenoid saponins from the seeds of Celosia argentea and their anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities, Chem Pharm Bull, 59(5), 666-71. Wu, Q. B. et al., (2012), Novel triterpenoid saponins from the seeds of Celosia argentea L., Nat Prod Res.
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