Clitoria ternatea L.


Common Names:
Katarolu (S)
Kakkanam, Kakkanarr, Kiruttini, Minni (T)
Asian pigeon wings (E)
Aparajitha, Supushpi (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Whole plant and seed

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Porridge prepared by the fresh whole plant is taken for the stimulation of brain cells
  • Decoction of the seed is diuretic and is taken for dysuria
  • Used to treat scabies, impetigo, whooping cough, earache, edema, vomiting, chronic cough, boils, haemorrhoids and fractures

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Flavonoids: kaempferol, myricetin, anthocyanins: delphinidin, ternatins from flower petals; terpene: taraxerol from leaves

Bioactivity :

Alcohol extracts of leaves: antibacterial, hepatoprotective; aqueous and alcohol extracts of roots: increases acetylcholine content in the hippocampus, anti-inflammatory, analgaesic, antipyretic, antiasthmatic; methanol extract of aerial parts: nootropic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antistress; taraxerol: wound healing; hydro alcohol extract of roots and seeds: hyperlipidaemic


References :

Balasundaram, A., (2011), Antimicrobial Activity of the Leaf Extracts of Two Medicinal Plants Against MRSA (Methicilin Resistant Staphylococ- cus aureus) from Human Urinary Tract Pathogens, Research Journal of Microbiology, 6(7), 625-631.

Devi, B, P. et al., (2003), Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties of Clitoria ternatea root, Fitoterapia, 74(4), 345-349.

Jain, N. N. et al., (2003), Clitoria ternatea and the CNS, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 75(3), 529-536.

Kazuma, K., et al. (2003), Composition related to petal color in different lines of Clitoria ternatea, Phytochemistry, 64(6), 1133-1139.

Kazuma, K. et al., (2003), Malonylated flavonol glycosides from the petals of Clitoria ternatea, Phytochemistry, 62(2), 229-237.

Maity, N. et al., (2012), Standardized Clitoria ternatea leaf extract as hyaluronidase, elastase and matrix -metalloproteinase-1 inhibitor, Indian J Pharmacol, 44(5), 584-7.

Nithianantham, K. et al., (2011), Hepatoprotective potential of Clitoria ternatea leaf extract against paracetamol induced damage in mice, Molecules, 16(12), 10134-45.

Rai, K.S., (2002), Clitoria ternatea root extract enhances acetylcholine content in rat hippocampus, Fitoterapia, 73(7-8), 685-689.

Solanki, Y. B. and Jain, S., (2010), Antihyperlipidemic activity of Clitoria ternatea and Vigna mungo in rats, Pharm Biol, 48(8), 915-23.

Taur, D. J. and Patil, R. Y. et al., (2011), Evaluation of antiasthmatic activity of Clitoria ternatea L. roots, J Ethnopharmacol, 136(2), 374-6.

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