Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Bark, root, leaf and seed
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Infected skin, including sores and boils are washed with a decoction of the bark
- Ground fresh bark is applied around the eye to treat ophthalmia
- Seed powder with bee honey is taken to improve sexual ability
- A tea spoon of leaf juice is taken thrice a day to control diarrhoea
- Decoction of the dried bark powder is taken to treat kidney stones
- Roots are used for chest complaints, gonorrhoea, syphilis, leprosy and act as an aphrodisiac
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Flavonoids, tannins, sterols, triterpenes and polyphenols, meroterpene derivatives: dichrostachines A–R from root bark
Bioactivity :
Chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts of leaves and fruits: hepatoprotective, antibacterial; ethanol extract of leaf, bark and root: antidiarrhoeal; aqueous and alcohol extracts of root: bronchorelaxatnt, antimalarial; saponin extract from leaves: anti-inflammatory; flavonids: free radical scavenger, α-glucosidase inhibitor
References : Babu, P. S. et al., (2011), Evaluation of acute toxicity and hepatoprotec- tive activity of the methanolic extract of Dichrostachys cinerea (Wight and Arn.) leaves, Pharmacognosy Res, 3(1), 40-3. Eisa, M. M. et al., (2000), Antibacterial activity of Dichrostachys Cinerea, Fitoterapia, 71, 324-327. Hassan, H. S. et al., (2011), Anti-inflammatory activity of crude saponin extracts from five nigerian medicinal plants, Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med, 9(2), 250-5. Jayakumari, S. et al., (2011), Antidiarrhoel activity of Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) wight and Arn, International journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, 3(3), 61-63. Long, C. et al., (2009), Meroterpenes from Dichrostachys cinerea Inhibit Protein Farnesyl Transferase Activity, Journal of Natural Products, 72, 1804-1815. Nguta, J. M. and Mbaria, J. M., (2013), Brine shrimp toxicity and antimalarial activity of some plants traditionally used in treatment of malaria in Msambweni district of Kenya, J Ethnopharmacol, 148(3), 988-92. Rao, R. J. et al., (2003) Novel 3-O-acyl mesquitol analogues as free-Radical scavengers and enzyme inhibitors: synthesis, biological evaluation and structure–activity relationship, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13(16), 2777-2780. Samseny, R. R. R. A. et al., (2001), Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight et Arn (Mimosaceae) hydro-alcoholic extract action on the contractility of tracheal smooth muscle isolated from guinea-pig, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11, 23.
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