Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Whole plant, aerial part and root
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Aerial parts are crushed with scraped coconut and mixed with a piece of turmeric to apply on dislocated bones after relocation
- Infusion of the root is given as a diuretic for patients suffering from poisonous snake bites
- Whole plant acts as diaphoretic, antipyretic, antimalarial, anti diarrhoeic, dysenteric and anthelmintic
- Used for cough and haemoptysis
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Flavonoid glycosides: schaftoside and vitexin from aerial parts
Bioactivity :
Schaftoside and vitexin: effective in respiratory tract inflammations; ethanol extract of whole plant: antimalarial; aqueous extract of plant: hepatoprotective, antioxidative
References : Ettebong, E. O. et al., (2012), In vivo antiplasmodial activities of ethanolic extract and fractions of Eleucine indica, Asian Pac J Trop Med, 5(9), 673-6. Iqbal, M. and Gnanaraj, C. (2012), Eleusine indica L. possesses antioxidant activity and precludes carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-mediated oxidative hepatic damage in rats, Environ Health Prev Med, 17(4), 307-15. Melo, G. O. D. et al., (2005), C-Glycosylflavones from the Aerial Parts of Eleusine indica Inhibit LPS-Induced Mouse Lung Inflammation, Planta Med, 71(4), 362-363. Sunohara, Y. et al., (2011), Involvement of antioxidant capacity in quinclorac tolerance in Eleusine indica, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 74, 74-81.
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