- Large Ammannia, Red Ammannia
- Big floating heart
- Wavy marshwort, Yellow water snowflake
- Musk Mallow
- Devil’s cotton
- Country Mallow
- Bael fruit tree
- Cardamom ginger
- Jak
- Bilimbi
- Carambola apple, Star fruit
- Thyme-leaved gratiola
- Bamboo
- China grass, Chinese silk plant
- Hogweed, Pigweed
- Red silk-cotton tree
- Kino tree
- Tea
- Patana Oak
- Common emetic nut
- Satinwood
- Khas-khas
- Velvet leaf
- Bone setter
- True Lime
- Kaffir Lime
- Sweet Orange
- Calamondin, Musk Lime
- Calumba wood, Ceylon Calumba root, False Calum root
- Cannon ball tree
- Turmeric
- Broom keeper, Ink berry
- Lemon grass
- Datura
- Cardamom
- Goose grass
- Jackal jujuba
- Ginger
- Indian Ginseng, Winter cherry
- Calthrops
- Heart leaved Moonseed
- Portia tree, Tulip tree
- Chocolate tree, Coco, Cocoa
- Rose apple
- Black Plum, Indian Black berry
- Clove
- Clearing nut
- Nux-vomica
- Devil’s fig, Turkey berry
- Devil’s fig, Turkey berry
- Wild eggplant
- Hound’s berry, Night shade
- Country Mallow
- Gingelly
- Ceylon oak
- Sandalwood
- Sugarcane
- Garden Rue
- Pomegranate
- Garden Purslane
- Ceylon Leadwort
- Rosy flowered leadwort
- Black pepper
- Long pepper
- Betel
- Emblic Myrobalan
- Carry me seed
- Love-in-a-mist, Wild passion fruit
- Passion fruit
- Indian Sorrel
- Water snowflake
- Waterlily
- Blue water lily, Water Nymph
- Coral Jasmine, Tree of sadness
- Sri Lankan Pitcher plant
- Wild cinnamon
- Yellow cheesewood
- Nutmeg
- Orange jasmine
- Curry leaf
- Silkworm Mulberry, White Mulberry
- Drumstick tree, Horse Radish tree
- Indian Mulberry
- False Jalapa, Marvel of Peru
- Bullet wood tree
- Blue tongue, Indian Rhododendron
- Cajeput tree, Tea tree
- Arrowroot plant
- Mousey Mi
- Wood apple
- Bandicoot berry
- Henna
- Lantana, Wild Sage
- Java Galanga
- Sambac Jasmine
- Common Jasmine, Jasmine, Spanish Jasmine
- Wild Jasmine
- Flame of the woods
- Shoe flower
- Cotton
- Batoko plum
- Govenor plum
- Cluster fig, Country fig
- Wild Turmeric, Yellow Zedoary
- Margosa, Neem
- Claw flowered Laurel
- Sri Lankan Breadfruit
- Chamber bitter
- Screw tree
- Common tallow Laurel
- Ceylon Cinnamon
- Crape ginger
- African morning vine
- Beleric Myrobalan
- White Murdah
- Chaste tree
- Teak
- Headache tree
- Country Borage
- Holy Basil, Sacred Basil
- Asiatic Beech berry
- Candahar tree
- Catmint
- Golden eye grass
- Purple Tephrosia
- Tamarind
- Egyptian river hemp
- Vegetable Hummingbird
- Foetid Cassia
- Tanner's Cassia
- Candle bush, Winged Senna
- Asoka tree
- Red sandalwood
- Indian kino tree
- Indian Beech, Mullikulam tree
- Burma bean, Curry bean
- Peru balsam, Tolu-Balsm
- Cowage, Cowhage, Cowitch
- Sensitive plant
- Indigo
- Coral tree, Indian coral tree, Thorny Dadap
- Sickle bush
- Velvet Tamarind
- Three flower Beggerweed, Three flower ticktrefoil
- Spanish Clover
- Three leaf Derris
- Blue rattle weed
- Caracas rattle box
- Telegraph plant
- Asian pigeon wings
- Indian Laburnum, Shower of gold
- Sappan wood
- Bengal Kino
- White Bauhinia
- Butterfly tree, Orchid tree
- Dwarf white Bauhinia, White orchid tree
- One-leaf clover
- Coral wood tree
- Crab's eye, Jequirity, Rosary Pea
- Crab's eye, Indian Liquorice, Wild Liquorice
- Climbingnettle
- Castor
- Australian bottle plant, Coral plant
- Coral bush
- Bellyache bush
- Physic nut, Poison nut, Purging nut
- Indian tree spurge, Milk bush, Milk hedge
- Pillpod sandmat
- Triangular spurge
- Croton oil tree, Purging Croton
- Candlenut tree
- Indian Acalypha
- Pipewort
- Wild Olive
- Gaub Persimmon, Riber Ebony
- Nutgrass
- Cycus
- Snake gourd
- Clasping stemmed Solena, Creeping cucumber
- Bitter gourd
- Luffa
- Bottle gourd, Calabash cucumber
- Cucumber
- Ash pumpkin, Wax gourd
- Goethe plant, Life plant
- Giant potato
- Sweet potato
- Ginger leaf morning glory
- Slender dwarf morningglory
- Dodder
- Sri Lankan elephant creeper
- Climbing dayflower, Spreading day flower
- Gall nut, Myrabalans
- Country almond
- Flame Lily
- Red mango
- Cryptocoryne, Water-trumpet
- Cryptocoryne
- Mangosteen
- Black oil plant, Climbing staff tree, Intellect tree
- Papaw, Papaya, Tree Melon
- Indian bread, Indian reed, Indian shoot
- Hemp
- Star of Bethlehem
- Iron wood
- Alexandrian Laurel, Dilo oil tree
- Prickly Pear
- Pineapple
- Indian Mustard
- Ceylon box wood
- Annatto, Lipstick tree
- Indian trumpet flower
- Indian Spinach
- Ceylon balsam, Yellow impatiens
- Toothache plant
- East Indian globe thistle
- Winged-stem Laggera
- Chinese Gynura
- Lilac tassel flower
- Elephant’s foot
- False Daisy
- Ash coloured fleabane
- Bow string hemp
- Mother-in-law’s tongue
- Wild Asparagus
- Sickle thorn
- Aloe plant
- Wild date palm
- Coconut, King coconut
- Fish tail palm, Wine palm
- Rattan
- Areca nut, Betel nut
- Umbrella plant
- Water lettuce
- Cryptocoryne, Umbrella plant
- Cryptocoryne, Tiny cryptocoryne
- Telugu potato
- Cinnamon sedge, Sweet flag
- Drifting sword, Floating lace
- Ruffled sword, Umbrella plant, Wavy sword
- Wild ipecacuanha
- Lucky nut, Yellow Oleander
- Crape-Jasmine, Wax-flower
- Eve's Apple, Forbidden fruit
- Caustic vine
- Snake root
- Oleander
- Periploca of the woods, Small Indian Ipecuanha
- Black creeper
- Indian Sarsaparilla
- Ceylon cow plant
- Green milk weed
- Madagascar periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle
- Gigantic swallow wort, Mudar
- Devils tree, Dita bark
- False Coriander, Stink weed
- Indian pennywort
- Climbing ilang-ilang
- Bullock’s heart
- Prickly custard apple, Soursop
- Jewish plum, Malay apple
- Marking nut tree
- Mango
- Wodier tree
- Cashew nut
- Grand Crinum Lilly, Spider lilly
- Cyathula
- Plumed cockscomb, Silver cockscomb
- Green Amaranth
- Sessile Joyweed
- Aerva
- Common Achyranthes Devil's horsewhip
- Snake jasmine
- Willow leaved Justicia
- Malabar nut
- Marsh-Barbell
- Creeping Blepharis
- Crossandra
- Hophead Philippine Violet
- King of bitters
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