Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Paste prepared of ground fresh roots is applied on mildly to moderately poisonous snake bites
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Cyclic peptides: podacycline A, B from latex; aliphatic acid: japodic acid and macrocylic diterpenoids: japodagrin, japodagrone from roots; amide alkaloid: tetramethylpyrazine from stem; coumarins: fraxidin, fraxetin, scoparone and 3-acetylaleuritolic acid and β-sitosterol from bark
Bioactivity :
Hexane extract of root bark and methanol extracts of root wood: antifungal against Candida albicans; methanol extract of stem: antibacterial
Note :
Visha kumbha is a controversial drug in Sri Lanka
References : Aiyelaagbe, O. O. et al., (2007), Antibacterial diterpenoids from Jatropha podagrica Hook, Phytochemistry, 68(19), 2420-2425. Aiyelaagbe, O. O. et al., (2000), The antimicrobial activity of roots of Jatropha podagrica (Hook)., Phytotherapy Research, 14, 60-62. Odebiyi, O. O., (1982), Isolation of a new flavone and some essential oils with antimicrobial and antifungal properties from the stem bark of Jatropha podagrica, Planta Med, 45(3), 138. Ojewole, J. A. and Odebiyi, O. O., (1980), Neuromuscular and cardiovascular actions of tetramethylpyrazine from the stem of Jatropha podagrica, Planta Med, 38(4), 332-8. Rumzhum, N. N. et al., (2012), Secondary metabolites from Jatropha podagrica Hook., Journal of physical science, 23(1), 29-37. Van, D. B. A. J. J. et al., (1996), Podacycline A and B, two cyclic peptides in the latex of Jatropha podagrica, Phytochemistry, 42(1), 129-133.
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