Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Whole plant and root
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Decoction of the whole plant is taken for chronic stomach problems including indigestion
- Paste in lime juice with white sandalwood powder is applied on forehead to relieve headache
- Roots and leaves are used to treat skin diseases
- Used as a poultice for wounds, sores and itches
- Acts as an aromatic, stomachic, carminative and an antiperiodic
- Useful in anorexia, acute and chronic dyspepsia and flatulence
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Terpenes: caryophyllene, oleic acid hexadecanoic acid, 1-octene-3-ol, 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,6- heptatriene from essential oil of seeds
Bioactivity :
Methanol extract of plant: antibacterial
References : Rajakaruna, N. et al., (2002), Antimicrobial Activity of Plants Collected from Serpentine Outcrops in Sri Lanka, Pharmaceutical Biology, 40(3), 235-244. Tian, G. T. et al., (2009), Study on essential oil obtained from the seed of Leucas zeylanica, Amino acids and biotic resources, 31(2), 62-66.
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