Limonia acidissima L.



Feronia elephantum Correa

Common Names:
Divul (S)
Kabittam, Vilaampalam (T)
Wood apple (E)
Kapittha (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Leaf and fruit

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Leaf infusion is given for stomach problems in children
  • Fruit juice is taken as a drink for asthmatic conditions
  • Acts as an aromatic stimulant and a stomachic
  • Used in chronic diarrhoea, hiccoughs, ailments of the gums and throat, dysentery, venomous insect and snake bites

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Limonoids: acidissimin and obacunone, coumarin: dihydrosuberenol from stem, root bark and fruit; pectic and hemicellulosic polymers from fruits; benzamide derivetives from stem

Bioactivity :

Essential oil of leaves: antimicrobiacl; fruit pulp: antioxidative, wound healing, antihyperglycaemic, antihyperlipidaemic




Note :

Fruits are edible

References :

Gangrade, S. K. et al., (2002), Limonia acidissima L.: A multipurpose tree species having essential oil, Indian perfumer, 46(2), 109-113.

Ghosh, P. et al., (1982), A coumarin from Limonia acidissima, Phytochemistry, 21(1), 240-241.

Ghosh, P. et al., (1989), Acidissimin, a New Tyramine Derivative from the Fruit of Limonia acidissima, Journal of Natural Products, 52(6), 1323-1326.

Ilango, K. and Chitra, V., (2010), Wound Healing and Anti-oxidant Activities of the Fruit Pulp of Limonia acidissima Linn (Rutaceae) in Rats, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9(3), 223-230.

Kim, K. H. et al., (2009), New benzamide derivatives and NO production inhibitory compounds from Limonia acidissima, Planta Med, 75(10), 1146-51.

Macleod, J. K. and Moeller, P. D. R., (1989), Acidissimin, a new limonoid from Limonia acidisslma, Journal of Natural Products, 52(4), 882-885.

Mondal, S. al., (2002), Cell-wall polysaccharides from the fruits of Limonia acidissima: isolation, purification and chemical investigation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 48(2), 209-212.

Sridhar, S. R. et al., (2003), Antifungal Activity of Some Essential Oils, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 7596-7599.

Vasant, R. A. and Narasimhacharya, A. V., (2013), Limonia fruit as a food supplement to regulate fluoride-induced hyperglycaemia and hyperlipi- daemia, J Sci Food Agric, 93(2), 422-6.

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