Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf and root
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Tea made from leaves reduces blood sugar, stimulates the circulatory system and increases urine secretion
- Ground roots are topically applied as a snake bite remedy
- Infusion of the root is emetic and has expectorant properties
- Root bark ground with lime juice is topically applied for eye diseases
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Terpene saponins: gymnemic acids, gymnema saponins, gymnemasides from leaves
Bioactivity :
Aqueous and ethanol extracts of leaves: anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, antiobese, anticancer
Aqueous extract of leaves is effective in type 2 diabetes; Standardized plant extract has been effective in reducing excess
body weight while promoting healthy blood lipid levels; Ingredient of antidiabetic formulations such as Hyponidd tablets,
Mersinacapsules, Dianex, Diagon tablets and Madhumeha churna
Note :
Appetite suppressent toothpaste and mouthwash are made out of leaf powder
References : Baskaran, K. et al., (1990), Antidiabitic effect of a leaf extract from Gymnema sylvestre in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients, J Ethnopharmacol, 30(3), 295-305. Chakraborty, D. et al., (2013), Antihyperglycemic Drug Gymnema sylvestre Also Shows Anticancer Potentials in Human Melanoma A375 Cells via Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Mitochondria- Dependent Caspase Pathway, Integr Cancer Ther. Jarald, E. et al., (2008), Diabetes and Herbal Medicines, Iranian Journal of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 7, 97-106. Kumar, V. et al., (2013), Anti-obesity Effect of Gymnema sylvestre Extract on High Fat Diet-induced Obesity in Wistar Rats, Drug Res (Stuttg). Malik, J. K. and Manvi, F. V., (2008), Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Gymnema sylvestre leaves extract in rats, International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 2(2), 114-115. Preuss, H. G. et al., (2004), Effects of a natural extract of (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) and a combination of HCA-SX plus niacin-bound chromium and Gymnema sylvestre extract on weight loss, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 6(3), 171-180. Sathya, S. et al., (2008), Hypoglycemic effect of Gymnema sylvestre (retz.) R.Br leaf in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats, Anc Sci Life, 28(2), 12-4. Shanmugasundaram, E. R. B. et al., (1990), Use of Gymnema sylvestre leaf in the control of blood glucose in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Journal of Ethnophatmacology, 30(3), 281-294. Vaidya, S., (2011), Review on Gymnema: An Herbal Medicine for Diabetes Management, Pharmacia, 1(2), 37-42. Zuckerman, A., (2002), Appetite suppressant toothpaste, US Patent, 6485710.
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