Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Seed, flower, stamen and bark
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Seed oil is topically applied for joint pain and skin diseases
- Decoction of the dried flower buds are taken for dysentery
- Stamens with bee honey is taken for internal bleeding
- Bark with ginger is a sudorific
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Xanthones: mesuaxanthone A and B, euxanthone, mesuaferrin A–C, caloxanthone C, macluraxanthone, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone, tovopyrifolin from heartwood and stem bark; phenylcoumarins: mammeigin and mesuol from seed oil; flavonoids: mesuein, mesuanic acid A and B from stamens
Bioactivity :
n-hexane extract of leaves: oral administration has shown antinociceptive properties; seed extract: positive results in the treatment of arthritis; mesoul: immunomdulator; methanol extract of flower: antibacterial; crude seed oil: antispasmodic
Ingredient of the drug ‘Styplon’ which can be used to reduce blood loss from surgical incisions and after anti coagulant therapy
Note :
The National Tree of Sri Lanka
References : Bala, K.R. and Seshadri, T.R., (1971), Isolation and synthesis of some coumarin components of Mesua ferrea seed oil, Phytochemistry, 10(5), 1131–1134. Banerji, R. and Chowdhury, A. R., (1993), Messua Ferrea: Chemical Constituents and Biological Activity, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 15(3), 207-2011. Chahar, M. K. et al., (2012), In-vivo antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity of mesuol isolated from Mesua ferrea L. seed oil, Int Immuno- pharmacol, 13(4), 386-91. Gharpure, V. G. et al., (1970), Effect of Styplon on Blood Loss: Clinical and Pharmacological Studies, Bharat Medical Journal, 3, 257. Govindachari, T. R., (1967), Constituents of Mesua ferrea L.—I : Mesuaxanthone A and mesuaxanthone B, Tetrahedron, 23(1), 243–248. Hassan, M. T. et al., (2006), Analgesic Activity of Mesua ferrea Linn., Journal of Pharmacological Science, 5(1-2), 73-75. Jalalpure, S. S., (2011), Antiarthritic activity of various extracts of Mesua ferrea Linn. Seed, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 138(3), 700–704. Mazumder, R. et al., (2004), Antibacterial potentiality of Mesua ferrea Linn. Flowers, Phytother Res, 18(10), 824-6. Prasad, D. N. et al., (1999), Antispasmodic activity of the crude and purified oil of mesua ferrea seed, Anc Sci Life, 19(1-2), 74-5. Teh, S. S. et al., (2013), Cytotoxicity and structure-acttivity relationships of xanthone derivatives from Mesua beccariana, Mesua ferrea and Mesua congestiflora towards nine human cancer cell lines, Molecules, 18, 1985-1994.
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