Pogostemon heyneanus Benth.


Common Names:
Gas-kollankola (S)
Kathip pachchai (T)
Sughandaka (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Leaf and root

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Paste prepared by grinding roots in Mee oil is applied on painful swellings
  • Infusion of the fresh or dried leaves is used as a mouthwash after dinner for healthy gums and teeth
  • Roots are used in dropsy and rheumatism
  • Possess aromatic, stomachic, carminative, astringent, stimulant, disinfectant (e.g: genitourinary mucous membranes), expectorant and diuretic properties
  • Use to treat anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, bronchitis, gangrene of lungs, phthisis, cardiac dropsy, gonorrhoea, coughs, asthma, boils, headaches, jaundice and bilious fevers

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Acetophenone, terpenes: β-pinene, nerolidol and patchouli alcohol from volatile oil of leaves


Bioactivity :

Oil from plant: antibacterial


References :

Hembrom, M. E. et al., (2006), Rapid in vitro production of true-to-type plants of Pogostemon heyneanus through dedifferentiated axillary buds, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant, 42(3), 283-286.

Murugan, R. et al., (2010), Volatile oil composition of Pogostemon heyneanus and comparison of its composition with patchouli oil, Nat Prod Commun, 5(12), 1961-4.

Pandey, A. K. et al., (2012), In vitro antobacterial activities of the essential oils of aromatic plants against Erwinia herbicola (Lohnis) and Pseudomonas putida(Kris Hamilton), Journal of Serbian chemical society, 77(3), 313-323.

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