Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Leaf, bark and root
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Root decoction is taken orally for joint pains in elderly people
- One tea spoon of leaf infusion is taken after meals to prevent the formation of excessive gases in the digestive system
- Bark is used to treat fever
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Conjugate of phenyl ethanoid verbascoside and iridoid glucoside of mussaenosidic acid: premcoryoside from leaves; phenyl ethanoid: premnafolioside from stems
Bioactivity :
Leaf extract: anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, analgaesic; ethanol aqueous extracts of stem bark and stem wood: cardiotonic effect, antiarthritic, adrenergic; root extract: antimicrobial; methanol extract of plant: free radical scavenger, antitumour
References :
Karthikeyan, M. and Deepa, K., (2010), Effect of ethanolic extract of Premna corymbosa (Burm. f.) Rottl. & Willd. leaves in complete Freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis in Wistar albino rats, Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 21(1),15-26.
Karthikeyan, M. and Deepa, K., (2010), Antinociceptive activity of Premna corymbosa (Burm.f.)Rottl. & Willd., Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 21(4), 347-56.
Karthikeyan, M. and Deepa, K., (2010), Hepatoprotective effect of Premna corymbosa (Burm. f.) Rottl. & Willd. leaves extract on CCl4 induced hepatic damage in Wistar albino rats, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 3(1), 17-20.
Karthikeyan, M. and Deepa, M. K., (2011), Anti–inflammatory activity of Premna corymbosa (Burm.f.) Rottl. & Willd. leaves extracts in Wistar albino rats, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 4(7), 510–513.
Rajendran, R. et al., (2008), Cardiac stimulant activity of bark and wood of Premna serratifolia, Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, 3(2), 107-113.
Rajendran, R. and Krishnakumar, E., (2012), Anti-Arthritic Activity of Premna serratifolia Linn., Wood against Adjuvant Induced Arthritis, Avicenna J Med Biotechnol, 2(2), 101-6.
Rekha, R. and Saleem, B. N., (2010), Antimicrobial activity of crude extracts and fractions of Premna serratifolia Lin. Root, Medicinal Plants – International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 2(1), 33-38.
Selvam, T. N. et al., (2012), Antioxidant and tumor cell suppression potential of Premna serratifolia linn leaf, Toxicol Int, 19(1), 31-4.
Yuasa, K. et al., (1993), Premnafolioside, a new phenylethanoid, and other phenolic compounds from stems of Premna corymbosa var. Obtusifolia, Journal of Natural Products, 56(10), 1695-1699.
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