Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Wood and fruit
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Powdered wood dissolved in lime juice is applied for boils, inflammations, skin diseases and headaches
- Fruit is used to treat dysentery
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Terpenes: isopterocarpolone, pterocarptriol, pterocarpdiolone, β-eudesmol, pterocarpol, cryptomeridiol, oleanolic acid derivatives, stilbenoid: pterostilbene, lignans: savinin, calocedrin, phenanthrenedione chalcones: pterolinus K and L, neoflavonoids: pterolinuses A–J from heartwood
Bioactivity :
Methanol extracts of leaves and stem: antibacterial, free radical scavenger; ethanol and aqueous extracts of stem bark: hepatoprotective, hypoglycaemic; wood powder: safe and effective in treating acute wounds; savinin: anti-inflammatory; methanol extract of plant: anticancer
Ointment prepared from plant: wound healing
References : Biswas, T. K. et al., (2004), Wound Healing Potential of Pterocarpus Santalinus Linn: A Pharmacological Evaluation, International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, 3(3), 143-150. Biswas, T. K. et al., (2004), The clinical evaluation of Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. Ointment on lower extremity wounds–a preliminary report, Int J Low Extrem Wounds, 3(4), 227-32. Cho, J. Y. et al, (2001), Savinin, a Lignan from Pterocarpus santalinus Inhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Production and T Cell Proliferation, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 24(2), 167-171. Krishnaveni, K. S. And Rao, J, V. S., (2000), A new acylated isoflavone glucoside from Pterocarpus santalinus, Chem pharm bull, 48(9), 1373-1374. Krishnaveni, K. S. and Rao, J. V., (2000), An isoflavone from Pterocarpus santalinus, Phytochemistry, 53(5), 605-6. Kumar, D., (2011), Anti inflammatory, analgesic and anti oxidant activities of methanolic wood extract of Pterocarpus santalinus L., I pharmacol pharmacother, 2(3), 200-202. Kumar, N. et al., (1974), Terpenoids of Pterocarpus santalinus heartwood, Phytochemistry, 13(3), 633–636. Kwon, H. J. et al., (2006), Methanolic extract of Pterocarpus santalinus induces apoptosis in HeLa cells, J Ethnopharmacol, 105(1-2), 229-34. Manjunatha, B. K. et al., (2006), Anti bacterial actvity of Pterocarpus sanitalis, Short communication, 68(1), 115 -116. Manjunatha, B. K. et al., (2006), Hepatoprotective activity of Pterocarpus santalinus L.f.,an endangered medicinal plant, Research paper, 38(1), 25-28. Rao, B. K. et al., (2001), Effect of oral administration of bark extracts of Pterocarpus santalinus L. on blood glucose level in experimental animals, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 74(1), 69–74. Stella, J. et al., (2011), Free radical scavenging and antibacterial evaluation of Pterocarpus santalinus leaf in-vitro study, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2(5), 1204-1208. Wu, S. F. et al., (2011), Anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic neoflavonoids and benzofurans from Pterocarpus santalinus, J Nat Prod, 74(5), 989-96. Wu, S. F. et al., (2011), Bioactive components from the heartwood of Pterocarpus santalinus, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 21, 5630–5632.
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