Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Decoction of the root reduces high blood pressure
- Application of root ground with lime juice is a remedy for mildly to moderately poisonous snake bites
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Alkaloids: reserpine, ajamaline, vellosimine, spegatrine, verticillatine, dispegatrine from roots
Bioactivity :
Crude extracts of roots and leaves: sedative; methanol extracts of leaves: antioxidative
Note :
A substitute for Ekaweriya (Rauvolfia serpentina) in traditional medicine
References : Chatterjee, A. and Talapatra, S. K., (1955), Alkaloids of the roots of Rauwolfia densiflora Benth. and Hook, Rauwolfia perakensis King and Gamble ,Rauwolfia canescens Linn. And Rauwolfia serpentina Benth, Biomedical and Life Sciences, 42(7), 182. Mao, L. et al., (1986), Studies on the quaternary alkaloids of Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.) Baill var. Hainanensis Tsiang, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 02. Nair, V. D. et al., (2012), Studies on methanolic extract of Rauvolfia species from Southern Western Ghats of India – In vitro antioxidant properties, characterisation of nutrients and phytochemicals, Industrial Crops and Products, 39, 17-25. Weerakoon, S. W. et al., (1998), Note Sedative Activity of the Crude Extract of Rauvolfia densiflora, Pharmaceutical biology, 36(5), 360-361.
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