Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Porridge prepared from young leaves is taken in the morning to cure cough and throat infections
- Given to convalescing patients
- Used in the treatment of diarrhoea
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Tropane alkaloid: calystegines from leaves; catechol oxidase was found in soluble and particulate fractions of plant
Bioactivity :
Methanol extract of fresh leaves: bronchospasmogenic; aqueous extract of fruit: inhibits edema, antioxidative; aqueous extract of plant: inhibits immunologic and non-immunologic stimulation mediated anaphylactic reactions and TNF- secretion from mast cells; calystegines: glycosidases inhibitors; phenolics rich extract of fruit: inhibitors of key enzymes relevant for type 2 diabetes and hypertension; flavonoids extracted from fruits: hypolipidaemic
Fruit infusion has reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels and apolipoprotein B levels in blood
Note :
Young fruits are used as a vegetable
References : Guimarães, P. R. et al., (2000), Eggplant (Solanum melongena) infusion has a modest and transitory effect on hypercholesterolemic subjects, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 33(9), 1027-1036. Han, S. W. et al., (2003), The aqueous extract of Solanum melongena inhibits PAR2 agonist induced inflammation, Clinica chimica acta, 328, 39-44 Kwon, Y. I. et al., (2008), In vitro studies of eggplant (Solanum melon- gena) phenolics as inhibitorsof key enzymes relavent for type 2 diabetes and hypertention, Bio source terminology, 99, 2981-2988. Lee, Y. M. et al., (2001), Inhibition of immunologic and nonimmunologic stimulation-mediated anaphylactic reactions by water extract of white eggplant (solanum melongena), Pharmacological Research, 43(4), 405–409 Mans, D. R. A. et al., (2004), Spasmogenic effect of a Solanum melon- gena leaf extract on guinea pig tracheal chains and its possible mecha- nisms, Journal of ethnopharmacology, 95, 329-333. Sharma, R. C. and Ali, R., (1980), Isolation and characterization of catechol oxidase from Solanum melongena, Phytochemistry, 19(8), 1597–1600. Sudheesh, S. et al., (1997), Hypolipidemic effect of flavonoids from Solanum melongena, Chemistry and Materials Science, 51(4), 321-330.
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